Sharing this rather cool looking moth. Anyone can ID this?
Sharing this rather cool looking moth. Anyone can ID this?
James Chia
View my photos
Hi hi, sorry to dig up an old thread. I found this moth today... but the link appears to be broken... does anyone else know what the identity of the moth is?
Butterfly dogs don't like baths. They only like to puddle... in their own pee!
hi all,
for those links which are linked back to our previous website/domain @ butterflypals, it will be unviewable.
Theres a simple fix to it, just change the domain name to the current one
eg: to
Also, please let the mods or the admins know about the broken links so we can reinstate them.
The needs of the many outweigh the needs of the few or one.
Thanks. Is that's whats happening with the pictures that can't be displayed on threads older than 2008?
Butterfly dogs don't like baths. They only like to puddle... in their own pee!