11 Mar 2008 update.
Life Histories series : The Chestnut Angle
Horace Tan shares the early stages of this rare skipper.
11 Mar 2008 update.
Life Histories series : The Chestnut Angle
Horace Tan shares the early stages of this rare skipper.
12 Mar 2008 update.
Butterfly of the Month : March 2008 : The Fivebar Swordtail
Featuring the Fivebar Swordtail, a most sought-after species by BCircle members.As it suddenly appeared in Feb/Mar 08 after a long absence, and many of the members here managed to shoot it puddling in various locations, it deserves the title of Butt of the Month!
29 March 2008 update.
Feature Article : Three Posies
Featuring the three cute Posy butterflies - the Common, Dark and Pygmy Posies.
Horace, over to you for the next related article, as we've discussed.![]()
1 Apr 2008 update.
Life Histories series : The Lime Butterfly
LC Goh shares his breeding experience of the Lime Butterfly, a common urban butterfly which feeds on Citrus.![]()
Not bad... the blog still chugging along quite strongly. 29 articles in five months since the 'publishing' started in Nov 07. That's on average an article a week or 5.8 articles per month.![]()
Thanks to those of you who are helping with the articles - Horace, LC, Ben Jin, Sunny, Federick and Bobby.![]()
The rest of you who have ideas or topics of interest, do join in and offer your suggestions.
Still owe you one article, i will try my best to do it after exams after collecting more information on it.
3 Apr 2008 update.
Butterfly of the Month : April 2008 : The Plane
Featuring the elusive Plane (Bindahara phocides phocides). A rare forest butterfly which makes its appearance in the nature reserves and even urban parks once in a while, and the recent spotting of it at the fringe of the nature reserves is an indication that it's still around in the vicinity.![]()
6 Apr 2008 update.
Life Histories series : The Dark Posy
After the earlier blog article on the Three Posies, Horace shares his experience in breeding the caterpillars of the Dark Posy (Drupadia theda thesmia) a relatively rare species which is local in distribution.![]()