25 May 2008 update.
Life Histories series : The Malayan Bush Brown (Mycalesis fusca fusca)
Horace Tan shares his meticulous record of the early stages of the Malayan Bush Brown (Mycalesis fusca fusca)![]()
25 May 2008 update.
Life Histories series : The Malayan Bush Brown (Mycalesis fusca fusca)
Horace Tan shares his meticulous record of the early stages of the Malayan Bush Brown (Mycalesis fusca fusca)![]()
Thanks Henry. A lot of hard work on Horace's part on his Life Histories series is helping me keep to at least 1 article per week since the blog went active.
Still need more help from the others who can contribute.![]()
1 June 2008 update.
Feature Article : Plus Two Makes 284
ButterflyCircle re-discovers two more Lycaenidae species and pushes the number of species in the Singapore Checklist to 284 species!![]()
8 June 2008 update.
Life Histories series : The Malay Lacewing (Cethosia hypsea hypsina)
Horace Tan shares the success of the rather challenging record of the early stages of the Malay Lacewing after several attempts. Congrats, Horace!![]()
15 June 2008 update.
Feature Article : A Northern Painted Jezebel visits Singapore!
A refreshing departure from our usual more serious articles on butterflies, BC Blog presents a documentary report on Les Day's week in Singapore and his butterfly-shooting exploits with ButterflyCircle members.![]()
21 June 2008 update.
Butterfly of the Month : Jun 2008 : The Royal Assyrian
Featuring the Royal Assyrian (Terinos terpander robertsia). An elusive shade-loving butterfly with deep purple wings. Whilst not uncommon, it is not easy to photograph due to its preference for shady locations.
Showcasing the works of Bob Cheong, Goh LC, Horace Tan, Federick Ho and Tan BJ.![]()
One of our Indonesian blog readers has spotted (and shot) a Tawny Coster in Bogor, West Java, two days ago. Looks like the TC is a world traveller moving down south steadily. I wonder if it will ever reach Australia?![]()
Blog article by Chaiyen can be found here. Fortunately, those of us who can read Malay can roughly understand Bahasa Indonesia...![]()
29 June 2008 update.
Feature Article : The Butterfly Proboscis
Featuring the "drinking straw" that butterflies use to suck their liquid food needed to survive and give them the energy to fly during their relatively short life span.![]()