Shot this female Lemon Emigrant. Which form is it?
Shot this female Lemon Emigrant. Which form is it?
It is the female form f. pomona.
There are two male forms, f. hilaria and f. alcmeone, five female forms, f.pomona, f.catilla, f.jugurtha, f.crocale and f. nivescens. The is also a dry season form for both male and female, f. florella, which is sometimes treated as a separate species, Catopsilia florella, which is similar to Catopsilia pyranthe, but has much reduced black apical markings on the forewings.
Delias Rule, OK
Thanks, Les for the form ID of this Lemon Emigrant, and the complete information on the various forms of Lemon Emigrant. It would be ab interesting challenge to capture them on CCD.
It would be interesting to know which form is the most common in your area. Certainly up here, female f. crocale is by far the commonest, though I have seen both male forms, and female forms f. pomona and f.catilla, as well as f.crocale here. I think I have seen f. nivescens, but I am sure f. jugurthe remains elusive.
To be honest, if I had any scientific background, and was able to confirm it, I could well be one of those saying that the dry season form IS a separate species, or more likely linked to C. pyranthe than C. pomona. I really have my doubts on this one, and would love to find someone to PROVE exactly where it should be.
Delias Rule, OK