Shot these two similar looking individuals at the CCA.
Can't find a match at the checklist , refering to C&P4 the closest match are the Pelopidas agna agna and Pelopidas mathias mathias.... pending confirmation we might have a new species.
Shot these two similar looking individuals at the CCA.
Can't find a match at the checklist , refering to C&P4 the closest match are the Pelopidas agna agna and Pelopidas mathias mathias.... pending confirmation we might have a new species.
Looks like a male Pelopidas assamensis to me...
How big is the skipper?
Chee Ming, Sum
CM ,
It is a fairly big skipper, slightly smaller than the size of a Chocolate Demon.
Yes , it could very well be Pelopidas assamensis.
If its smaller than the Demon, you may wish to consider Pelopidas mathias mathias(female). I only mention this because of the hindwing spots.
skyflash (or Tan CP) (4095.2m @ 040528-0711) (4200m@050930-16xx)
#1@030809/AHBT Centurion@040829/SF #200@051101/Ubin
@istockphoto @picasaweb (by family) @photobucket (-2008) (2008-) @multiply (blogs)
My pic of P. assamensis only shows 1 spot on UHW, hence my suggestion. It looks like my Library needs are mounting, first C&P and now HK-Blue Book! While I'm thinking about it, ant other indispensible books I should have?
After closer scutiny .. it is a
Pelopidas assamensis.
Can we have more pictures in the checklist please.
Khew has 2 excellent specimens here
Last edited by Commander; 04-Jul-2010 at 12:41 PM.
I believe the female P. assamensis has less or only one spot on the hindwing
Sunny, I have uploaded Khew's photos to the checklist.
Last edited by Commander; 04-Jul-2010 at 12:41 PM.
Chee Ming, Sum
Is this the same skipper? Shot at TBHP.
Bob Cheong