The day started rather gloomy, and it did drizzle as well.But at least the clouds didn't unleash their full power on us. Wong and I checked out SBWR in search of the Sumatran Sunbeam, and as there was no sun, there was no beam either.
We encountered a small colony of Centaur Oak Blues (at least 6 or more) at a Sea Hibiscus (Hibiscus tiliaceus)
tree. They were very skittish and required careful stalking. A Blue Nawab also showed up, but too fast for us.
List of butterflies observed at SBWR & Kranji Nature Trail :
Wong, please add on if you recall what we saw this morning.
- Papilio polytes romulus (Common Mormon)
- Leptosia nina malayana (Psyche)
- Appias libythea olferna (Striped Albatross)
- Catopsilia scylla cornelia (Orange Emigrant)
- Eurema hecabe contubernalis (Common Grass Yellow)
- Danaus genutia genutia (Common Tiger)
- Ideopsis vulgaris macrina (Blue Glassy Tiger)
- Parantica agleoides agleoides (Dark Glassy Tiger)
- Euploea phaenareta castelnaui (King Crow)
- Euploea crameri bremeri (Spotted Black Crow)
- Elymnias hypermnestra agina (Common Palmfly)
- Mycalesis visala phamis
- Orsotriaenea medus cinerea (Nigger)
- Hypolimnas bolina bolina (Great Eggfly)
- Phaedyma columella singa (Short Banded Sailor)
- Polyura schreiberi tisamenus (Blue Nawab)
- Arhopala pseudocentaurus nakula (Centaur Oak Blue)
- Anthene emolous goberus (Ciliate Blue)
- Hypolycaena erylus teatus (Common Tit)
- Ampittia dioscorides camertes (Bush Hopper)
- Psolos fuligo (Coon)