List of Butterflies at Alexandra Hospital
102 species recorded - Last updated on 25 Nov 2008
- Troides helena cerberus (Common Birdwing)
- Pachliopta aristolochiae asteris (Common Rose)
- Chilasa clytia clytia (Common Mime)
- Papilio demoleus malayanus (Lime Butterfly)
- Papilio polytes romulus (Common Mormon)
- Papilio memnon agenor (Great Mormon)
- Graphium sarpedon luctatius (Common Bluebottle)
- Graphium agamemnon agamemnon (Tailed Jay)
------------------------------------------------ Delias hyparete metarete (Painted Jezebel)
- Leptosia nina malayana (Psyche)
- Appias libythea olferna (Striped Albatross)
------------------------------------------------ Catopsilia pyranthe pyranthe (Mottled Emigrant)
- Catopsilia pomona pomona (Lemon Emigrant)
- Catopsilia scylla cornelia (Orange Emigrant)
- Eurema hecabe contubernalis (Common Grass Yellow)
- Eurema blanda snelleni (Three Spot Grass Yellow)
- Eurema brigitta senna (No Brand Grass Yellow)
------------------------------------------------ Danaus chrysippus chrysippus (Plain Tiger)
- Danaus genutia genutia (Common Tiger)
- Danaus melanippus hegesippus (Black Veined Tiger)
- Ideopsis vulgaris macrina (Blue Glassy Tiger)
- Parantica agleoides agleoides (Dark Glassy Tiger)
- Euploea mulciber mulciber (Striped Blue Crow)
- Euploea phaenareta castelnaui (King Crow)
- Euploea midamus singapura (Blue Spotted Crow) - ID'ed on 30 May 04 by Thomas
------------------------------------------------ Elymnias hypermnestra agina (Common Palmfly)
- Elymnias panthera panthera (Tawny Palmfly) shot by Sunny Chir on 20 Apr 07
- Mycalesis mineus macromalayana (Dark Brand Bush Brown)
- Mycalesis visala phamis (Long Brand Bush Brown) - Shot & ID'ed on 17 Oct 04 by KhewSK
- Orsotrieana medus cinerea (Nigger)
- Ypthima baldus newboldi (Common Five-Ring) - ID'ed on 25 Apr 04 by NeoCB
------------------------------------------------ Amathusia phidippus phidippus (Palm King)
------------------------------------------------ Acraea violae (Tawny Coster) - shot by Sunny Chir on 24 Oct 06
------------------------------------------------ Phalantha phalantha phalantha (Leopard)
- Cethosia cyane (Leopard Lacewing)
- Junonia hedonia ida (Chocolate Pansy)
- Junonia almana javana (Peacock Pansy)
- Junonia orithya wallacei (Blue Pansy)
- Junonia atlites atlites (Grey Pansy) - shot by Ying Ling 27 Feb 05
- Hypolimnas anomala anomala (Malayan Eggfly)
- Hypolimnas bolina bolina (Great Eggfly)
- Doleschallia bisaltide australis (Autumn Leaf)
- Athyma nefte subrata (Colour Sergeant)
- Phaedyma columella singa (Short Banded Sailor)
- Moduza procris milonia (Commander)
- Lebadea martha parkeri (Knight)
- Euthalia aconthea gurda (Baron)
- Euthalia adonia pinwilli (Green Baron)
------------------------------------------------ Polyura hebe plautus (Plain Nawab)
- Polyura schreiber tisamenus (Blue Nawab)
------------------------------------------------ Abisara saturata kausambioides (Malayan Plum Judy) - shot by Rey Aguila - 21 Apr 06
------------------------------------------------ Spalgis epius epius (Apefly)
- Curetis santana malayica (Malayan Sunbeam)
------------------------------------------------ Zizina otis lampa (Lesser Grass Blue)
- Zizula hylax pygmea (Pygmy Grass Blue)
- Zizeeria maha serica (Pale Grass Blue)
- Chilades pandava pandava (Cycad Blue)
- Euchrysops cnejus cnejus (Gram Blue) - shot by Sunny Chir - 29 Oct 06
- Catochrysops panormus exiguus (Silver Forget-Me-Not) - shot by Sunny Chir - 26 Feb 07
- Lampides boeticus (Pea Blue)
- Jamides bochus nabonassar (Dark Caerulean)
- Nacaduba berenice icena (Rounded 6 Line Blue)
- Prosotas dubiosa lumpura (Tailless Line Blue)
- Petrelaea dana dana (Dingy Line Blue)
- Prosotas nora superdates (Common Line Blue) - shot by Johnny Koh
- Anthene emolus goberus (Ciliate Blue)
- Anthene lycaenina miya (Pointed Ciliate Blue)
- Surendra vivarna amisena (Acacia Blue) - shot by Simon Sng - 21 Nov 04
- Arhopala centaurus nakula (Centaur OakBlue )
- Flos apidanus saturatus
- Iraota rochana boswelliana (Scarce Silverstreak)
- Cheritra freja friggia (Common Imperial)
- Tajuria cippus maxentius (Peacock Royal)
- Tajuria dominus dominus
- Tajuria mantra mantra
- Horaga syrinx maenala (Ambon Onyx)
- Hypolycaena erylus teatus (Common Tit)
- Zeltus amasa maximinianus (Fluffy Tit)
- Deudorix elioti
- Rapala pheretima sequeira (Copper Flash)
- Rapala manea chozeba (Slate Flash)
------------------------------------------------ Burara harisa consobrina (Orange Awlet) - shot by Gan on 18 Jun 05
- Hasora badra badra (Common Awl) - shot by Michael Lim on 25 Nov 08
- Badamia exclamationis (Brown Awl) - shot by Gan on 10 Jun 05
- Odontoptilum angulatum angulatum (Chestnut Angle) - shot by Khew on 22 Apr 07
- Iambrix salsala salsala (Chestnut Bob)
- Ancistroides nigrita maura (Chocolate Demon)
- Udaspes folus (Grass Demon)
- Suastus gremius gremius (Palm Bob)
- Zographetus doxus - shot by Ying Ling ; ID'ed on 9 Sep 04
- Matapa aria ( Common Red Eye)
- Hidari irava (Coconut Skipper)
- Erionota thrax thrax (Banana Skipper)
- Erionota hiraca apicalis - bred and confirmed by Gan Dec 04
- Unkana ambasa batara (Hoary Palmer) - shot by Yong San ; ID'ed 14 Jul 04
- Taractrocera archias quinta
- Oriens gola pseudolus (Common Dartlet)
- Potanthus omaha omaha (Lesser Dart)
- Pelopidas mathias mathias (Small Branded Swift)
- Pelopidas assamensis (Great Swift) - shot by Khew ; ID'ed 20 Mar 05
- Polytremis lubricans lubricans (Contiguous Swift)
- Baoris oceia (Paintbrush Swift) - shot by Khew ; ID'ed 30 Oct 04