We now have a moths sub-forum, after Dr Roger Kendrick has kindly agreed to help out in sharing his extensive knowledge about moths. Roger is from Hong Kong. I'll leave him to introduce himself in more detail and what he does on moth research in Hong Kong.
Roger and I "met" briefly on the Internet many many years back (I think it was some time in 97 or so) when both of us were starting out with our respective websites. He was still a PhD student then, and we exchanged notes on our websites. Today he's a Dr, and more knowledgeable about moths in the far east than any forumer that I've come across.
Welcome Roger! Do share with us your vast knowledge on moths!
And for the rest of us here, do post your moth shots in this sub-forum from here on. We now have an authority on moths and we can rest assured that we can at least ID the moths that we shoot now
As SK said - its nearly ten years ago that I started out doing my HK moth website. Don't believe anyone who thinks all moths are dull brown little boring critters that chew carpets and clothing for a living. Just a few of the many thousands of species answer to that description. There are many more that are just as brightly coloured and dramatically patterned as any of the gaudiest butterflies. My background lies firmly in wildlife conservation (a B.Sc. hons. from the University of East Anglia, U.K.) and entomology (Ph.D. from HK University in Ecology & Biodiversity (moth diversity of HK)), plus many years voluntary work in the UK learning the trade. This year is my 16th of moth recording, and 25th of butterfly recording. I'm (still) working on an illustrated guide to the moths of HK for my sins. If I'm slow in following up issues on this forum, then I'm likely stuck behind a pile of papers, books and computer screens trying to figure out some micromoth's taxonomy and ecology for the HK moth book.
I hope that I'll be able to keep you all on the straight and narrow as a forum moderator, though we're all in this learning game together - there are just too many moth species for just one person to be able to cope! If you can shed light on life histories and behavioural ecology through this forum, then we will all be the wiser.
Anyway, that's enough from me. Some links for your further interest are provided in my forum signature.