Starting this, so that we can post all our orange Telicota skipper UFOs for comparison and future reference. Who knows, after awhile we may be able to ID them from field shots if we have enough references.
Mating pairs are very crucial to the IDs as we can then verify better, the differences between the males and females.
So here goes...
This first one is a Telicota shot at Ubin's Sensory Trail. The 2nd one is another Telicota shot nearby but a different specimen.
The 3rd one is definitely a female Telicota cos it laid an egg on the ginger-like plant. Shot at USR.
Here are two more, both shot at TBHP. The mating pair appear similar on the undersides, but the uppersides are different, as shown in C&P4. The problem with C&P4 is that it does not show the undersides of T. colon. The uppersides of T. colon and T. augias are not easy to differentiate due to the subtle differences as indicated in the ID Key.
Anyway, here goes with the Telicota database, and hopefully we will have enough to conclude on some of our UFO shots.
I have a folder full of Telicota, Potanthus and the 'brown' skippers.
Extracted from post by James, some finding:
One of the ID key gone missing in the 3rd shot. There's is no orange spot in space 7 hindwing, that lead me to think whether it's a Potanthus rectifasciatus or Potanthus pamela?