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Thread: Lycaenidae species collection

  1. #61
    Join Date
    Nov 2010


    Didn't realised there is a new posting.

    The great difficulty is separating J. elpis & alecto.
    This is a female so the upperside spots seen are no use for ID.

    In J. alecto the pairs of white striae on the lower part of the forewing in space 1b & 2 are equally broad (or roughly so).
    In J. elpis the inner pair are noticeably thinner than the outer 2.

    Examples of J. alecto & elpis with extended orange had been shot before, but it is more extensive in J. alecto.

    TL Seow
    PS. If the forewings are lowered, a 2nd ID option is:
    In J. alecto, the outer of the pair of cellend striae (2nd pair from base in the middle) is as thick as the marginal striae in space 2 & 3 (above the tail).
    In J. elpis the outer stria at the cellend is thinner than the marginal striae in space 2 & 3.

    Note ID features not absolute, but useful
    Last edited by Psyche; 25-Apr-2012 at 09:42 AM. Reason: PS

  2. #62
    Join Date
    Aug 2011


    Dear Seow,
    Many thanks for the ID and the comment that "Examples of J. alecto & elpis with extended orange had been shot before".
    Today I went to the location again in a hope that I could find some more extended orange butterflies, but coulnd not find any.

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