The abdomen of this moth is red in colour. Can anyone ID this moth?
The abdomen of this moth is red in colour. Can anyone ID this moth?
Looks like a recently hatched specimen. The wings are in pristine condition. Can't help you with the ID there, HB. Perhaps you can post a message to the webmaster of the Hong Kong Lepidopterists Society. There are more moth experts over there.
your moth is Spirama retorta,Originally Posted by tanghb
it's range : wide spread, Indonesia, Thailand, Philppines, India,
Chinese name is : 旋目夜蛾,
Last edited by hkmoths; 26-Apr-2006 at 11:05 PM.
Thanks a lot, fluorite!
Glad to know that you're from Taiwan. Sometimes I travel to Taiwan. Perhaps next time I go there, you could give me some tips on nature watching in Taiwan.
in case of you are arrives in Taipei, you can take a one day trip to Tiger hill, or Elephant hill,
you can post a message on Taiwan butterfly forum, request a local guide, I feel sure a lot of Taiwan pals response your request,