This resembles A. pseudomuta but the FW spots 4, 5, 6, & 9 are in line.
In A. pseudomuta the lower spot 4 is shifted out.
The spots arrangement are as in the cleander group, alea subgroup.
The features which suggest A. selta are.
1. The FW margin is rounded.
2. HW spot 6 is large & overlap the cellend bar strongly .but not spot 5.
This is best left as Ypthima horsfieldii humei for the moment.
Ground colour whiter & sriae darker grey.
Ocelli usually well separated.
HW spot 5 & 6 subequal ,sometimes spot 5 is smaller.
Ypthima baldus newboldii.
Ground colour pale buff & striae more ochreous.
Ocelli often large, spots 2 & 3 more often conjoined.
HW spot 5 almost always larger than spot 6.
Eliot opined there are two species.
The original dispersal of Y. baldus into Sundaland have created several new forms in each of the main islands ie taxa horsfieldii in java, morus in Sumatra, selinuntius in Borneo & 'humei ' in Malaya.
Taxon horsfieldii in Java was elevated to a full species early on.
When Malaya rejoined the mainland ,taxon newboldi moves in ,so two taxa newboldi & humei are present.
However most authors treated taxon morus of Sumatra & taxon selinuntius of Borneo as subspecies of Y. baldus & not as ssp of Y. horsfieldi.
The taxon (taxonomic name)Ypthima horsfieldi humei is also not recognised as valid in Thailand.
Uemura studied the type specimen of taxon humei lodged in the British Museum, & concluded it is a form of taxon newboldi.
Thus the name 'humei' becomes a junior synonym of newboldi & can not be used for another taxon.
Recent DNA barcoding suggest there are some differences between the two .
If the difference is valid then a name change is needed ie Ypthima horsfieldi X.... X is a new name.
Currently the distribution of Ypthima horsfieldi is illogical.
Ypthima horsfieldi horsfieldi Java.
Ypthima horsfieldi 'humei' P. Malaysia.
ypthima baldus morus ... sumatra.
Ypthima baldus selinuntius ...Borneo.
FW spots too blur to see.
HW with a large postdiscal black spots.
marginal spots uniform in size.
See the female from Trat.
These all belongs to the amphimuta group, subgroup amphimuta where HW spots 5, 6, & 7 are oblique & placed far from the cellend bar.
There is no white spot at the tornus, so it is either A. amphimuta or major.
In P. Malaysia A. amphimuta is much the commoner. (The opposite in Singapore.)
The other subgroup usually have HW spot 6 large & nearer to the cellend bar.
eg Arhopala kurzi (kurzi subgroup) V spot widely separated from the postdiscal band.