There are two species in Singapore.
The record of P. ganga was a doubtful record in the 1930s that can nw be validated.
Parnara species have short antennae with thick clubs.
Subapical spots 6 & 7in line ;Spot 8 if present ,in line if big; if small shifted out slightly.
UnH sometimes with a diffuse spot/mark at the cellend but not always.
This is different from the cellspot in Pelopidas.\
The two species are very similar & difficult to identify.
I was provided a very useful ID feature by one member from India.
This pertains to the position of FW spots 2, 3, & 4.
This appears very accurate as can be seen later.
Parnara bada. FW almost always without cellspot. FW spot 3 quadrate in shape & midway between spot 2 & spot 4.
HW generally with small & separate spots irregular, variable from 0 to 5.
HW spot 6 not uncommon.
The name Straight Swift was first given to the type species P. guttata which have a straight series of HW spots.
Subsequently it was applied for all species whether the HW 'band' is straight or crooked. P. guttata.