Arhopala agrata.
HW with spot 6 astride spot 5 & cellend bar.Spot 7 atop spot 6.
HW postdiscal band completely dislocated at vein 2.
FW postdiscal spot 4 in line with spot 5 & 6.
These are features of the
cleander group.
Arhopala agrata is placed in a subgroup of its own but is not stated specifically as under the
cleander group.
Addendum: It is placed in the
agrata group, subgroup
ID features.
FW with spot 9 (topmost spot of the postdiscal band .(upper being spots 4, 5, 6, & 9.)
absent or faded out.
HW spot 6 large, wide & trapezoid in shape.
Markings faded more so on the FW.
This individual was shot by Federick & Sunny probably some 15 years ago.
This image is probably by Sunny.
This BOS twin specimens are
Arhopala phanda IDed by the thick postdiscal band & HW spots 6 & 7 joined in a thick column.
This webpage depict another
Arhopala phanda.
Arhopala agrata is possibly still extant but overlook.
There is no existing shot of
Arhopala phanda so far.
TL Seow: Cheers.