1. Halpe knyvetti.Correction H. sikkima. The upper cellspot is smaller than spot 3.
1a. Antennal club above with a pale yellow ring below the apiculus .
3a. UnH without white band.
5a. UnH without purple gloss.
5b Upper cellspot as large as spot 3.
Only two species.
5. FW 15mm. Rounder wings cilia reddish UnH unmarked.... H. kumara
6. Larger FW 17mm cilia greyer. UnH patchyies (interneural spots) well-marked.
Correction:FW upper cellspot smaller than discal spot 3. Key 7 a. Halpe sikkima.
Compare fieldshot of the male from Chiang Mai in website below. http://yutaka.it-n.jp/hes/91300001.html
2. Halpe knyvetti.
Antenna similar with a pale ring before the apiculus.
FW upper cellspot about the same size as spot (which is triangular) in pic 2a.
Cilia grey..
PS. The three species in which the antennal club have a white spot below the apiculus & UnH without a white band can be Ided as follow.
3. Probably Halpe aucma.
There is a small upper cellspot just visible.
Key 9a. Antenna not pale-ringed.
13a. Cell without double spot or large conjoined spot.
13b. Termen convex.
13 cilia chequered at least on FW.
homolea group.
Check out egena, ceylonica, & hindu.
Check out molta.... clia white filda... no upper cellspot.
Check out handa & nephele not in location.
arcuata... cilia unchequered.
Huang state of H. aucma may IDed in that spot 2 & 3 have little overlap while in H. molta the two spots overlap more.
Eliot state in H. aucma, spots tend to be small (so little overlap) & UnH markings less defined.
Thanks a lot for the detailed explanation. Now I feel I have graduated in Halpe identification.
Today, we celebrate Teachers' Day in India. So, let me wish you "Happy Teachers' Day" and thank you for all the invaluable knowledge you have imparted on us.
While going through my Halpe collection, and cross checking with the IDs you have given, I came upon this specimen which could be H molta, which seems to have white cilia in addition to other id keys. Kindly have a look.
You are too generous with your praises.
I appreciate the fact you brought the Halpe this time.
I suddenly realised on going thru the species that the dozen of confusing species in the Indochinese region can be ignore.
Two species mentioned in Evans H. kusala & flava both have UnH central band, yellow in flava & yellowish white in kusala are unlikely to occur in India. http://yutaka.it-n.jp/hes/91390001.html http://yutaka.it-n.jp/hes/91360001.html Correction: Both H. kusala & flava occur in NE India. (included in checklist).
The degree of overlap between FW spot 2 & 3 in H. molta is quite variable.
That in H. aucma should be little or almost none.
The UnH interneural black spots are fairly well-define with the sharper margins visible.
So it is probably H. molta.
The white cilia is more or less the same in all three species.
You may want to see pix of H. filda, molta & aucma.
Images poor.
Download pdf. from reference section. Huang 1998. Neue Ent Nachr 41. https://ftp.funet.fi/index/Tree_of_l...eriinae/halpe/
Page 215 Description.
Page 245 images.