Post 20.
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Post 20.
The attached images are not visible.
Let me reupload! Sorry for the inconvenience
1 - Skipper 1.jpg
Is this a lesser dart? Pothantus Omaha
2 - Skipper 3.jpg
Detached dart?
3-Skipper 4.jpg
Contigious swift?
4 - Skipper 5.jpg
I suppose this is small branded swift, pelopidus mathias?
-This skipper is very big in size, about one and a half section of a thumb
5-Skipper 6.jpg
I thought this is a conjoined swift but i am not sure
6 - Skipper 7.jpg
Also not sure about this fella
Appreciate all the help i can get!
Zick Soh
Post 22.
1. Potanthus omaha.male.
Veins all darken, dull colour.
Unusually the abdominal end appear to have a black band, but it will not match any of the black-banded species.
P. mingo, P. trachala, & P. serina.
2. Potanthus trachala.
FW spots well separated; HW band upper spot projected out; heavy black spots.
3. Caltoris cormasa male.
Typical spots.
4.Pelopidas mathias male.
P. mathias dirty ,grey shaded.
P. agna; clean brownish.
5. Pelopidas conjunctus female.
Large; FW spots yellowish; HW spots whitish.
6. Taractrocera archias.male.
Antennal club rounded; HW band joined by a combined spots 6 & 7.
TL Seow: Cheers.
Thank you Doctor Seow!
Zick Soh
Hi doctor Seow,
Another skipper trend as again! Here are some shot at upper seletar today
1 - skipper 1.jpg
i believe this is a Taractrocera archias?
2 - skipper 2.jpg
Also another Taractrocera archias?
3 - skipper 3.jpg
Telicota species?
4 - skipper 4.jpgskipper 4.jpg
A open wing shot, is it possible to ID?
5 - skipper 5.jpg
Another telicota species?
Thanks in advance!
Zick Soh
Post 25.
1 & 2 Taractroceras archias. males.
Note rounded antennal clubs & HW band.
3. Female Telicota besta.
HW veins across band darken; dull colour.
4. Female Potanthus omaha.
Veins are strongly dark; dull ochreous.
Compare P. ganda females; veins are not or barely darken.
5. Female Potanthus serina.
Note HW large spot 7 (Telicota have no HW spot 7.)
P. serina; Veins not darken; FW spot 5 smaller than spot 4; Abdominal end with black band. Correction: P. mingo.
TL Seow: Cheers.
Last edited by Psyche; 07-Aug-2022 at 08:19 AM.
Hi Doctor Seow,
A quick follow up on skipper 5, the Potanthus serina. I didnt expect the Potanthus serina to be this small, for a size comparision, the flower it is feeding on in the picture is a single flower of a leea indica. Are their size variable? Was expecting it to be much bigger for it to be name the large dart.
Zick Soh
It is possible for an individual to be larger or smaller than the norm for the species.
For this individual, the shape suggest a small species.
There is a prominent black band at the abdominal end.
There are 3 full subapical spots.
FW spot 5 is smaller than spot 4.
Only 4 species in Singapore have a black banded abdominal end.
1. Potanthus trachala. FW 14 - 15 mm.
FW spots widely separated ,spiky.
Male & female.
2. Potanthus serina. FW 16 -17 mm.
FW with spot 5 smaller than spot 4.
Male & female.
3. Potanthus juno. FW 13 -14 mm.
FW spot 5 smaller than spot 4.
FW subapical spots only two, ie spot 6 & 7, spot 8 absent or vestigial.
4. Potanthus mingo. FW 12- 13 mm.
FW with 3 subapical spots.
FW spot 4 & 5 about equal.
Female on the left.
It is probably Potanthus mingo female.
I suggest for Potanthus, show at least two images as small details matter.
TL Seow :Cheers.
Hi doctor Seow,
i took your advice and took a few extra shots, which i only got about 2 before the butts flew off
1 - skipper 1.1.jpgskipper 1.2.jpg
Is this a telicota species?
2 - skipper 2.1.jpgskipper 2.2.jpg
My initial guess is a baoris species, but i think i could be wrong on this one
3 - skipper 3.1.jpgskipper 3.2.jpgskipper 3.3.jpg
Here i dont have a sharp shot of the head, but hope it still allows ID
4 - lascar again.jpglascar LOL.jpg
Here i go out of character and require help with lascar. I dont think it is a Lasippa tiga or Lasippa heliodore since forewing cellular bar is missing.
Thanks in advance!
Last edited by Zicky; 08-Aug-2022 at 12:31 AM.
Zick Soh
Hi doctor Seow,
i took your advice and took a few extra shots, which i only got about 2 before the butts flew off
1 - skipper 1.1.jpgskipper 1.2.jpg
Is this a telicota species?
2 - skipper 2.1.jpgskipper 2.2.jpg
My initial guess is a baoris species, but i think i could be wrong on this one
3 - skipper 3.1.jpgskipper 3.2.jpgskipper 3.3.jpg
Here i dont have a sharp shot of the head, but hope it still allows ID
4 - lascar again.jpglascar LOL.jpg
Here i go out of character and require help with lascar. I dont think it is a Lasippa tiga or Lasippa heliodore since forewing cellular bar is missing.
Thanks in advance!
Zick Soh