22. Ornithospila bipunctata
Fascia(bands) wavy; wing fringes (cilia) white with a dark line along the basal margin;cilia rarely cross by red at the veins: HW discal mark punctae(a dot).
23. Ornithospila submonstrans
Fascia wavy; white fringes with basal dark margin[ fringes (cilia) crossed by red at the veins; HW discal mark a chevron (a broad 'V').
The continenatal form now considered as a full species H. thaiensis have brown basal FW spots & marginal black dots.
Thailand. http://insecta.pro/images/1024/21109.jpg
Your pix does have a bit of intermediate features.
You're too kind, Dr. Seow. I am merely a scavenger. Most of the IDs were shamelessly plucked from old posts, or whatever resources I stumble upon during my occasional delves into the wide web. I'm still far from attaining a firm grasp on things.
Maybe some erebids.(?) (Again, the pale mist of taxonomy has gotten the best of my tiny brain)
33) Tephriopis divulsa ?
34) Rusicada sp
35) Corcobara sp ?
36) Unknown
Reminds me of Tochara.. But don't want to jump the gun.
42-44) Ischyja spp
-Impulsively basing 42 and 43 off base colours-
>42 seems to fit MoB's description for I. subreducta in being the purpler one vs 43.
>43 lacklustre, would probably be I. marapok
>44 seems to fit MoB's description for I. inferna
Last edited by Chequered Lancer; 16-Oct-2017 at 05:55 PM.