I photographed this skittish little red moth in Semenyih, Selangor, Malaysia. Approx 1 cm in size.
According to the ID on this Flickr image, it's Oecophoridae, Stathmopodinae - maybe Atkinsonia sp.
My entomologist friend on Facebook, Doug Yaneda, however, disagrees with the ID.
His observations: There are a few very important differences: (1) the antennae are dramatically different in both structure and coloration (2) the resting posture of true stathmopodines is *stereotypical*, with the wings folded and the legs raised (3) the black fringe on the wings of Atkinsonia is an actual fringe, not just a black-scaled portion of the wing itself (4) the scales, especially on the thorax, of true Atkinsonia are *glossy*.
Your thoughts on this?