First moth, and first picture of 2013:
The Tiger Moth or Wasp Moth - Euchromia elegantissima
First moth, and first picture of 2013:
The Tiger Moth or Wasp Moth - Euchromia elegantissima
What a beauty!
Glad for you and a bit envious, at I never saw any Acherontia, but isn't A. lachesis?
Last edited by guldsmed; 14-Jan-2013 at 09:30 PM.
Could be....
It's my first too
After consulting some on-line sources is seems that A. atropos certainly does not occur east of India, and possibly not even there (only to iran and Kazakhstan), narrowing the choice down to styx and lachensis. I am not sure which, but someone (Les?) will pop in and educate us
There is no doubt. It is A lachensis. I found the larva and managed to breed it though to imago. Identical.
Thank you for the correct ID.
Click on the pictures to get a larger image
A big moth with a massive body and an unusual pattern:
Xyleutes persona
and a 'moustached' caterpillar:
Lasiocampid moth caterpillar
both from Khao Sok National Park.
I do not wish to hijack your thread, but last Wednesday I came across a very close relative, Xyleutes ceramica - Cossidae.