Any experts or Dr Seow, pls help to ID.
Any experts or Dr Seow, pls help to ID.
Cher Hern
1. The hindwing is strongly dark shaded on the outer margin of the band, and to the inside, so this is definitely a female Telicota ohara.
2. Underside hindwing spots & grey shading indicates it is P. mathias.
Although the antennae looked short like Parnara, the 2 cell spots would also exclude any local Parnara.
TL Seow
PS examples of other females.
T. augias - orangey undeside; veins lightly darkened.
T. colon - (this one had been mis-IDed by me as augias.)
The 2 spots in space 4 & 5 are not rectangular. The second pic is clearer and also shows the lower spots in space 2 & 3 with 'spiny' extensions.
T. linna - only female (& T. bambusae) with the veins not darkened across the hindwing band.(colour too orange.)
T. besta - greenish ochreous underside.
Last edited by Psyche; 10-Dec-2011 at 08:24 AM. Reason: Add. images. correction of ID.