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Thread: Arhopala Collection for ID

  1. #51
    Join Date
    Apr 2007
    Koh Samui, Thailand


    Islanditis is a mental problem caused by staying in a restricted area too long, in this case, a small island. The quick cure is to get off the island and do a bit of travelling. I have not been off the island since my return from Teman Negara, which is far, far too long. I normally try to leave every three months, which is just about OK.

    The symptoms are a general malaise, and a lack of desire to do anything at all, including the planning of the cure!!!! (so it is self-perpetuating). It has taken a lot of will-power to make myself prepare for this short trip.

    Regarding pic No.2, I had narrowed it down to those 3, but also had A. zylda in the frame, as I could not see any tooth at vein 2 of the hind wing. It just does not seem to fit any of them exactly, and my failure to get an upperside shot does not help.

  2. #52
    Join Date
    Nov 2010


    I did suspect it was this ennui thing but got confused when You mentioned a rash in the other thread.

    I already did a check on the other possible suspects.
    A. zylda have the spot in space 1b straight or slightly curved, so dislocation is partial at vein 2.
    A kurzi have the band widely dislocated at vein 2.
    The muta subgroup all have very poorly defined markings & the band distinctly dislocated.

    A. mooialana seems to have the spot in space 1b a fat V or U ?always, so dislocation at vein 2 is clearly partial.

    I think it comes down to A. amphimuta or A. norda.
    It looks like A norda, plate66/4 rather than A. amphimuta plate66/1.

    TL Seow
    Last edited by Psyche; 22-Mar-2012 at 09:36 PM. Reason: wrong space quoted.

  3. #53
    Join Date
    Apr 2007
    Koh Samui, Thailand


    Quote Originally Posted by Psyche View Post
    I did suspect it was this ennui thing but got confused when You mentioned a rash in the other thread.
    You have a good memory. The rash was discussed in the Bee Forum, after I got stung, and it appears I am hypersensitive to the Hymenoptera in general.

    I keep forgetting to look at the photogravure plates in C&P4. Yes, I think it is more likely to be A. norda. Thank you.

  4. #54
    Join Date
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    Koh Samui, Thailand


    Four Malaysian Arhopala which I have tentatively identified. I would be grateful for confirmation or otherwise.

    1) Endau Rompin - A. athada?
    2) Endau Rompin - A. epimuta?
    3) Pulau Pinang - A. aurelia?
    4) Pulau Pinang - A. elopura?
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  5. #55
    Join Date
    Nov 2010


    1, 2, & 4 are correct.

    3 is actually A. athada.
    The tornal lobe is strongly projecting (eg. compared to 4)
    There is variability in the placement of the hindwing spots.
    Spot 5 is shifted inwards more here, so the gap between it & the cellend bar appeared narrow.

    TL Seow
    An example with anarrow gap.
    Last edited by Psyche; 24-Mar-2012 at 11:07 AM. Reason: PS

  6. #56
    Join Date
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    Koh Samui, Thailand


    Thank you. 3 out of 4 is not bad for me!

    You will be pleased to learn that this is it for the Arhopala, save for specimens from Borneo and Cambodia,...... unless you would like to have a go!

  7. #57
    Join Date
    Nov 2010


    I could give the Bornean species a try. At least C&P4's key is usable.
    As for the Cambodian spp., with about a dozen 'new' and possibly marked subspecies differences, I think I better not.

    TL Seow

  8. #58
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    Koh Samui, Thailand


    Only 3 Bornean ones, the rest are already happily ID'd.

    Good luck, they are not in the best condition!!!! I seem to recall that the first and third were rather small.
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  9. #59
    Join Date
    Nov 2010


    1 is A agesilaus.
    Key line 55. Forewing spot 4 nicely in line.
    Lne 56. Hindwing spot 6 dead centre between the 2 below.
    Line 57. Forewing with a basal spot.

    2. should be A aurelia.
    Underside purple shaded (probably Bornean race not so slatey).
    All others hair-brown (line 129)
    Hindwing spot 6 large & overlapping.

    3. should A. evansi.
    A cleander group member.
    The tornal spot seems large but this would leads to A. athada, so its out, & belongs to the alea subgroup.
    A. evansi have a slatey pink wash and this over brown viewed at an angle probably create the purplish tone.
    Hindwing spot 6 also matched the description.

    TL Seow

  10. #60
    Join Date
    Apr 2007
    Koh Samui, Thailand


    Dear Seow, Thank you.

    I was hoping that No. 1 belonged to the muta subgroup, but then, I am always hoping! I already have this sp. recorded.

    I suspected No. 2 to be aurelia, but when in Borneo, one always has to ask.

    No.3 is a bit of a suprise. To be perfectly honest, the photo is rubbish. I would not expect an ID from such a photo. It was small! Definitely an alea subgroup, but after that I get confused.

    PS. I am off to Khao Sok National Park tomorrow morning with Antonio for four days. Please take a rest, depending on what we find, you may need it!!!!!

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