Islanditis is a mental problem caused by staying in a restricted area too long, in this case, a small island. The quick cure is to get off the island and do a bit of travelling. I have not been off the island since my return from Teman Negara, which is far, far too long. I normally try to leave every three months, which is just about OK.
The symptoms are a general malaise, and a lack of desire to do anything at all, including the planning of the cure!!!! (so it is self-perpetuating). It has taken a lot of will-power to make myself prepare for this short trip.
Regarding pic No.2, I had narrowed it down to those 3, but also had A. zylda in the frame, as I could not see any tooth at vein 2 of the hind wing. It just does not seem to fit any of them exactly, and my failure to get an upperside shot does not help.