Noted your additional remarks. Thanks.
Cheers, SL Liew
Noted on your additional info on A.corinda. Thanks again.
Cheers, SL Liew
Thanks for Dr. Seow for this extra features information about L.canescens identification.
Cheers, SL Liew
In going through various examples of l. canescens I did come across a male from Trang which have the 4th spot split.
See below.
Thanks so much Dr. Seow for the clarification. It is clearer to me now. Appreciate it.
Cheers, SL Liew
ID requests - May 15, 2024
Noted your additional information of Neptis leucopors vs Neptis sedata. Thanks!
SL Liew 13-Sep-2024, 12:39 PMCheers, SL Liew