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  • Butterfly of the Month - September 2015 Anderson's Grass Yellow (Eurema andersonii andersonii)

    The month of September 2015 will probably go down in Singapore's political history as an exciting month as 2,460,977 voters went to the polls on 11 Sep 2015. For the first time since independence in 1965, all 89 electoral seats were contested. This time around, up for grabs were 16 Group Representation Constituencies and 13 Single Member Constituencies.

    Read the full article @ http://butterflycircle.blogspot.sg/2...mber-2015.html
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    4Lines Blues, the Sanaya allies.

    The 4 Lines blues contain a number of closely similar species which seem near impossible to separate from the undersides.
    Even the uppersides present

    Psyche 07-Dec-2024, 11:54 PM Go to last post

    Poritia hewitsoni

    This does happen from time to time.
    It is not a seasonal variation but probably more like genetic mosaicism where a male may have inherited a few

    Psyche 04-Dec-2024, 02:24 PM Go to last post

    Poritia hewitsoni

    Good evening Dr. Seow Sir
    Today I found this Poritia hewitsoni. Before that, I had never seen an orange spot on the forewing of any male individual

    ButterflyWitch 04-Dec-2024, 01:03 AM Go to last post
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