View Full Version : Great Swift?

Sky Blue
30-Sep-2007, 04:43 PM
Is this a Pelopidas assamensis (Great Swift)?

The white antennae before the club in photo 3 make me think so, but will it too prominent for a Great Swift? And missing spot on the photo 2 confused me as well.

The forewing length of this skipper is about 25mm

Sky Blue
30-Sep-2007, 04:48 PM
Arrow pointing the location where missing spot is compare to for normal Pelopidas sp.

30-Sep-2007, 10:24 PM
Can you recall the size? The Great Swift is usually much bigger than the others. Could this one be the Conjoined Swift that you bred from SBWR? The spots are also quite similar. :thinking:

Sky Blue
30-Sep-2007, 11:24 PM
Thanks Khew for the suggestion. Yes from SBWR ;-)

After looking at C&P4 for hrs, I found the marking matched those of Hyarotis Microsticta, plate 55, figs 32, possible?

I can only give estimation on the size, a medium size skipper. May be the ratio to the leaf can tell the size? It's resting on the leaf of Asystasia intrusa (photo 1 & 2).

30-Sep-2007, 11:31 PM
After looking at C&P4 for hrs, I found the marking matched those of Hyarotis Microsticta, possible?

With these brown lookalikes, anything is possible. Keep a close lookout for it. There were a few UFOs that I've shot at SBWR too. Never got down to trying to ID them. ;P Could be surprises lying in wait for us.

Just like that chance encounter of the Pugnacious Lancer (Pemara pugnans) many years ago at NSP. Looks like any one of the brown buggers, and only with 'closer examination' that I realised that this was not the usual common one.

16-Sep-2008, 12:36 AM
Hyarotis=Itys=Kineta microstictum The BrushFlitter...seems a perfect match.

Sky Blue
16-Sep-2008, 08:49 AM
Thanks for confirmation Dr. Kalesh :)

I'll lookout for it again as this this species is not recorded in Singapore before.