View Full Version : Two skippers from the far west

22-Feb-2007, 10:41 PM
Shot these skippers in the far west corner of Singapore mainland. The first I believe is the Common Redeye (the actual specimen is of much darker brown than shown in the picture, the flash brought out the lighter shade of brown). The second one I believe is another UFO Potanthus species. It is actually bigger than a typical Lesser dart, about the size of a Telicota besta. Looking at C&P4 plate 59, it seems to match more closely that of Potanthus hetaerus serina (figures 40-42). What do you think?


23-Feb-2007, 10:56 AM
One further note relevant to the UFO skipper. From C&P4, it says about P. hetaerus serina: ``.., and the forewing post-discal band is not completely dislocated at vein 6. On the hindwing beneath the ochreous scalng is orange-tinged.''. In the key, it says: ``Upperside forewing the spot in space 5 not completely detached from the spot in space 6.''. This description fits what I observed of the skipper.

In the picture taken, the forewing spots in spaces 5 and 6 have overlapped boundary unlike those taken of the other Potanthus species in the post
http://b-pals.com/forums/showthread.php?t=4793 :thinking:


23-Feb-2007, 11:31 AM
side by side comparison of the Lesser Dart and the skipper in question....

The arrows point out the differences that I can discern.

23-Feb-2007, 07:00 PM
side by side comparison of the Lesser Dart and the skipper in question....

The arrows point out the differences that I can discern.

Thanks, Sunny for the illustrating the differences. Hopefully we are able to nail the ID of this skipper given more in-depth studies.

BTW, I still need a confirmation of the ID of the first skipper. Is it a Common Redeye?


24-Feb-2007, 12:10 AM
Yes, that looks like a Matapa aria. :)

24-Feb-2007, 12:17 AM
Yes, that looks like a Matapa aria. :)

Thanks, Khew for the confirmation.


05-Jul-2007, 08:14 PM
Encountered another one of this Telicota-sized Potanthus in CCA.
Still wondering about its ID.


27-Dec-2007, 12:31 PM
Got another shot of the Potanthus hetaerus suspect in SBWR yesterday.
Compared to C&P4, Pisuth's book has better plate pics of this species in Plate 381, H271.

08-Jun-2008, 09:50 PM
Got another shot of the Potanthus hetaerus suspect in SBWR yesterday.
Compared to C&P4, Pisuth's book has better plate pics of this species in Plate 381, H271.

Yes the closest match seems P.hetaerus.

08-Jun-2008, 11:03 PM
Yes the closest match seems P.hetaerus.
Thanks, Dr Kalesh for the ID. Looks like we could add quite a few skippers to the Singapore checklist soon with your help.

10-Jun-2008, 01:35 AM
Thanks, Dr Kalesh for the ID. Looks like we could add quite a few skippers to the Singapore checklist soon with your help.

sure i can help as far as i can....!