View Full Version : 20th Jan 07 - P Ubin

Elbowed Pierrot
20-Jan-2007, 10:11 PM
We set out knowing it will rain, but decided to go for it. Plenty of plain and common tigers but I didn't managed to snap any :bsmile:, the usual peablue, glassy tiger and tawny coster was present. We went to the Sensory trail but attendance was just a few yellows :prrr: so head back to the hill for more shots till it started to rain :). Thank god we had our brolly
(ps. Thanks for the lift, Jason)


#2 - #205 (new addition since 14th Oct :embrass: )



Common Mime
20-Jan-2007, 10:49 PM
Simon, it is good to see you are back in action!

Elbowed Pierrot
20-Jan-2007, 11:01 PM
now shoot only when time is available and my back feels fine :), probably because I didn't prone

20-Jan-2007, 11:17 PM
now shoot only when time is available and my back feels fine :), probably because I didn't prone

Ah... at least we don't have to hear your kpkb about your back after this outing. :)

Peacock Royal
20-Jan-2007, 11:29 PM
Glad to see you shooting again.
Congrats a +1 for you.

Elbowed Pierrot
21-Jan-2007, 12:16 AM
the outing is short and not strenous lor :)

22-Jan-2007, 12:39 AM
Hijack your thread to post one shot of a male Tawny Coster from Butterfly Hill. ;P The host plant is quite abundant on Butterfly Hill, and the immigrant species is doing quite well there on Ubin too. :)