View Full Version : Common Redeye

Common Mime
08-Nov-2005, 02:21 PM
Went down to the bush area below gateway. Very well done for gateway as I got ONLY 1 mossie bites! :what: But much more lesser butterflies now, the Chocolate Pansy, Striped Albatross and those Blues seems gone :cry: .

Anyway, saw one Great Eggfly on the palm tree and two Painted Jezebels fluttering around (CM is thinking how to nail them down :thinking: ). Also, saw a Common Redeye for the first time (Again :mad2: because I dun have any camera with me, at that time, I really wish I had a camera phone with me :mad2: :mad2: ). The color of it is very striking especially the eyes, nice! May be will bring along my camera to office tomorrow onwards... :bsmile:

So far, saw the Redeye and Sunbeam here, is it due to Marina area is just nearby?