View Full Version : Malayan Plum Judy

21-Aug-2005, 06:29 PM
Hmm... interesting. Malayan Plum Judy (Abisara saturata kausambioides) in Marina South (http://www.naturephotosociety.org.sg/dcforum/DCForumID14/1529.html)! :redbounce

Common Mime
21-Aug-2005, 07:23 PM
Interesting, so when are we going to cover MS (not Microsoft or MS Color :bsmile: ).

Common Mime
21-Aug-2005, 07:36 PM
Perhaps our Birdman knows better?

Elbowed Pierrot
21-Aug-2005, 10:25 PM
think steven did comment to me the last time that MS has its potiental

Common Rose
21-Aug-2005, 10:38 PM
I shot there once b4, got 'flash', and some common species. ;P

22-Aug-2005, 11:00 AM
I was observing that area during the last of SFF05. Look like a promising piece of land. But, not sure about how to get into the area.Which area are u referring to. Marina South is quite large. U mean the place where there is some construction going on? Where the CBD skyscrapers overlook it.

22-Aug-2005, 11:34 AM
Where the firework was launched?This yr or last yr's This yr's SFF was fired from Marina East, opposite of Marina South. Last yr's was fired from the same spot that the 25 pounder guns were stationed. Are you referring to that patch of grassy land?

22-Aug-2005, 11:40 AM
Marina East. :PBut I thought this guy from NPS mentioned he shot the Malayan Plum Judy at Marina South? :hmmm:

22-Aug-2005, 12:08 PM
But I thought this guy from NPS mentioned he shot the Malayan Plum Judy at Marina South? :hmmm:

I mixed up the two. :prrr: The Marina East seems promising. (but, not sure how to get there & wat's there too).

22-Aug-2005, 12:16 PM
I mixed up the two. :prrr: The Marina East seems promising. (but, not sure how to get there & wat's there too).Ok. You can get there via 2 ways. One is walking in via Ben. Sheares bridge. I think u know how to get on the bridge rite? So walk towards direction of Marina South (traffic shld be on ur left), right down to the end. There's a staircase there, walk down and then cut across the field to the spot. 2nd way is to walk from Marina South MRT, under the expressway, u will come to a construction site, and path, then walk all the way in from there. This route is longer. (abt 1-2km walk in).

I have been there before, in terms of butts I have seen glassy tigers (not sure blue or dark glassy), LE/ME, choc. grass yellow, skippers (not sure which species), blue pansies, pygmy/lesser grass blues. Mostly common grassland species. Never seen the Malayan Plum Judy there.