View Full Version : Caltoris malaya or kumara

20-Apr-2020, 01:28 PM
This was photographed at 900 metres on Khao Luang, Nakhon Sri Thammarat province, peninsula Thailand.
I take this to be a female of either C. malaya or C. kumara, but features I can see seem to conflict as to which species is more likely.

(Of course these two are almost identical in the field).

Both species would be in range, although malaya would seem to be more likely based on frequency of observations and how far south this would be.

Looking at the variety of images on the web and in the literature, features that point to malaya seem to be size of the lower spots in the under forewing, distance between the spots on the upperwing and the general colouration. Features that point more to kumara seem to be shape of the larger spots in the upperwing (more triangular than quadrate).

Interested in comments. With thanks.



20-Apr-2020, 09:23 PM
This is a difficult one.

If you look at C. kumara kumara the spots are different ,female with 3 subapical spots; spots quadrate as in C. malaya.

Also Evans' descriptions are at odds with Inayoshi's images.

Evans state of the female of C. kumara moorei.
Female upf more conspicuously marked, usually 2 spots in space 1b.

Evans description of the female C. malaya.
Superficially like C. kumara moorei: female markings much less conspicuous.

Inayoshi's image have the female malaya more conspicuously marked & the female of kumara moorei less .

This makes it terribly confusing whether there is an error with the images.

C. malaya occur in P.Malaysia & Singapore but upperside shots are wanting.

I would'nt commit myself at this point until further evidence are available.

TL Seow: Cheers.

20-Apr-2020, 09:42 PM
Many thanks for this. Indeed, I found looking at various images they seem at odds with each other, with no consistent differences.
Many thanks.

20-Apr-2020, 09:48 PM
Managed to locate old shots of C. malaya bred in Singapore.
Can't upload as the images are not mine.

The image is identical to this female at BOLD.
C. malaya female.

Based on this the pic is correctly that of C. kumara female.
In particular spot 2 is quite quadrate in C. malaya & more triangular in C. kumara.

TL Seow: Cheers.

21-Apr-2020, 01:16 AM
Although I'm pretty sure C. malaya cannot occur here in Nepal, but the type specimen for C. kumara moorei by Colin Smith for Nepal has very triangular spot 2 like Dr. Seow said while all my individuals have a quadrate spot 2 much like in C. malaya. Is this just a variation of C. kumara moorei?



21-Apr-2020, 10:24 AM
Many thanks for the further details.

21-Apr-2020, 05:08 PM
Post 5.
What you have is typical ssp kumara, with quadrate main spots & 3 full subapical spots.
It is likely there are isolated colonies of ssp kumara in Nepal.

So far as it is known no examples of C. malaya have more than 2 subapical spots.
Most spots are also small.
Male & Female . Singapore.

TL Seow: Cheers.

21-Apr-2020, 09:59 PM
Thank you, Dr. Seow. Yes, it seems Caltoris kumara kumara exists in some parts of Nepal. At least all my photos seem to be of ssp. kumara, i.e. none have the triangular spot 2.

21-Aug-2020, 11:58 PM
Just curious, Dr. Seow. How is Caltoris kumara different from Caltoris plebeia - tufted swift. Any clue on the common name--tufted?

22-Aug-2020, 02:03 AM
Just curious, Dr. Seow. How is Caltoris kumara different from Caltoris plebeia - tufted swift. Any clue on the common name--tufted?

The male of Caltoris plebeia have a tuft of hair on the UnF dorsum(lower margin)that is upturned , near the base.
Even in a set specimen this is hidden by the HW & not visible.

C. plebeia; FW spots typically narrow in the male (like P. agna) Subapical spots 1 (-2) in male .1 (-3) in the female.
UnH deep purplish ferruginous (rusty brown)..Eliot. UnF with a pale area in space 1b.

Probably correct as P. plebeia female. Note FW with single subapical spot.

C. kumara moorei. FW spots wider; subapical spots male 2, female 3 (-2).
UnH deep ochreous brown. UnF without a pale area in space 1b.

TL Seow:Cheers.

22-Aug-2020, 09:14 PM
Thank you so much, Dr. Seow!