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View Full Version : First record of Athyma punctata for the Indian Subcontinent

19-Jun-2017, 01:18 PM
During my recent trip in Bhutan I had the lucky chance to meet for the first time the rare Athyma punctata, very peculiar, beautiful and unmistakable Limenitidinae.

As far as I know there are:

Athyma punctata punctata Leech,1890 Viet Nam, West China, Tibet
Athyma punctata prasobsuki Katayama,1989 North Thailand
Athyma punctata zhejiangensis Tong, 1994 China Zhejiang

Not sure if can be a different subspecies or just A.punctata punctata.

https://c1.staticflickr.com/5/4261/34217404964_80fb55652a_c.jpg (https://flic.kr/p/U8F9o1)
The White-patched Sergeant (https://flic.kr/p/U8F9o1)

https://c1.staticflickr.com/5/4287/34217403874_03188ea248_c.jpg (https://flic.kr/p/U8F94d)
The White-patched Sergeant (https://flic.kr/p/U8F94d)

The location is in Zhemgang area (South Bhutan), at around 1500 mt.

This is the first record for Bhutan and for all the Himalayan range of the Indian Subcontinent.

19-Jun-2017, 07:50 PM
Nice!! This species isn't very well-known, which goes for many of the Chinese species as well

21-Jun-2017, 09:53 AM
Yes, definitely China still reserve many surprises!