View Full Version : Magpie Crow female

13-Jan-2013, 11:40 PM
Under a dark sky with impending rain, I was pleasantly surprised by this female Magpie Crow which appeared from nowhere and started taking nectar from the flowers of mile-a-minute. :)

19-Jan-2013, 01:19 AM
Under a dark sky with impending rain, I was pleasantly surprised by this female Magpie Crow which appeared from nowhere and started taking nectar from the flowers of mile-a-minute. :)

incredible, one of the best shots of the very elusive females.

i've only seen them at BTNR a few times, and they only appeared whenever the males released their hair pencils to attract them. other than that, they seem to be very shy and hide well in the forest.

19-Jan-2013, 08:48 AM
Well done. Know how frustrating it can be to approach some butterflies. William

19-Jan-2013, 06:09 PM
Thanks, Lemon and William. :)
I am still hoping to run into an ovipositing Magpie Crow one of these days.