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View Full Version : some butts...

Chequered Lancer
20-Oct-2012, 01:40 PM
Here's a tattered Notocrypta paralysos varians,(Banded Demon)


Ancistroides nigrita maura(Chocolate Demons).More then five of them darting about after a heavy rain.(please don't mind the noise)


Can anyone help me with this one?My guess is a Neptis hylas papaja,(Common Sailor)
Cupha erymanthis lotis,(Rustic)


20-Oct-2012, 02:19 PM
Neptis hylas always have a fracture line at the upper end of the bone-shaped cellular bar.

It is Neptis leucoporos.
The abdomen is white-banded.
The 4 postdiscal spots on the forewing are directed to the termen(outer margin).
Note in this species, the lowermost postdiscal spot at the dorsum(lower margin) of the forewing is always exceptionally small.

TL Seow:cheers: