View Full Version : Hummingbird moth

15-Aug-2010, 08:30 AM
I normally don't photograph moths. I have my hands full photographing butterflies, but this was rather unique. I spend a few hours photographing butterflies and on my way to the parking lot I spotted what appeared to be a large hornet. As I got closer, I realized it was a hummingbird moth.

Fortunately, i had my Nikon D700 with the 70-180mm zoom macro/telephoto lens with my SB-800 set to TTL. I quickly shifted my shutter speed to 1/2000th of a second at f5.6. Then I watched his flight pattern as I approached. Then I started shooting. I probably shot 20 or 30 shots; three came out nice.

Painted Jezebel
15-Aug-2010, 08:41 AM
Back in England, these partially clear-winged moths are called Bee Hawkmoths.

15-Aug-2010, 11:33 AM
Nice one, William. You did well to capture it. So far, I have never seen equivalents here in Oz. I don't know whether I have just overlooked them or perhaps they don't occur here.


15-Aug-2010, 12:15 PM

These are fabulous shots , the only nit is I have yet to successfully shoot one !!:bsmile:

Quick thinking often elude us in situations that require quick reactions. Most photogs would have been busy shooting away with whatever settings they have on.....and come back with blur shots!!

I reckon your experience, familiarity with your gears and your quick thinking, in increasing the shutter speed, enabled you to shoot these quick and elusive hummingbird moth!

Congratulation and Keep shooting !!

Peacock Royal
15-Aug-2010, 10:44 PM
These are excellent shots in view of the subject. Well done !
I have failed to get any decent shots in a few attempts - I was just too slow !