View Full Version : Dragonfly/Damselfly Photography
- Blue-spotted Flatwing Podolestes orientalis 蓝斑平翼蜻
- Dragonfly for ID
- Some pictures from Bangkok for ID
- Which Gynacantha sp.?
- Another Gynacantha sp.? need ID
- A handful of dragons from Kaeng Krachan NP, Thailand for ID
- A couple from Samui 13.3.11
- More Gynacantha sp. need ID!
- Crenulated Spreadwing Damselfly
- Ornate Coraltail In One Vertical Line
- A record shot of the Crenulated Spreadwing Ovipositing
- Colorful dragonflies of Samui
- Loke's DF shots
- Some uncommon damselflies to share..
- Prodasineura notostigma
- Look-alike Sprite Male
- The Old and Poor Lady Only Has Three Legs
- Dragonfly ID Need
- Potamarcha congener
- Blue-spotted Flatwing Female
- A record shot of Coeliccia Octogesima
- A Record shoot of Spear-tail Dragonfly
- Variable Sprite, young male Argiocnemis rubescens rubeola Sleys
- Df 2011
- Dark-tipped Forest-skimmer, Cratilla metallica
- Tatai, Koh Kong, Cambodia
- Nannophya pygmaea
- Orchithemis pulcherrima
- Dark-tipped Forest-skimmer Female
- Spear-tail Duskhawker Male
- Copera marginipes (Yellow Featherlegs)
- Dark-tipped Forest-skimmer Male
- Argiocnemis rubescens, males
- New Dragonfly Book
- Some common dragon/damselfly shots
- Smallest VS largest DF
- 1 df...
- Forest Dragonflies
- Green Metalwing. Extinct in Singapore
- Vestalis amethystina
- Need ID?
- White Damselfly
- Drepanosticta quadrata
- Malayan Grappletail? Female Very Rare. ID Needed.
- Dragonfly ID Needed.
- Just curious
- Show the Flash. Green Metalwing Male Fr Lata Kinjang
- Male/Female Euphaea ochracea ochracea Fr Lata Kinjang
- Female / Male Green Metalwing Fr Lata Kinjang
- Blue-spotted Flatwing Male Podolestes orientalis Chestnut Bicycle Trail
- Dragonfly at sunset way railway line
- Sunday morning at Chestnut Ave forest
- Spear-tail Duskhawker again. Chestnut Bicycle Trail.
- Blue Sentinel Male Not Commonly Seen and Frog Hylarana labialis
- Dragonfly ID?
- Trithemis festiva, female.
- Need ID.
- Dragonfly at DFNP
- Yellow-Barred Flutterer Dragonfly Rhyothemis phyllis Johor Malaysia
- Macrogomphus quadratus (forktail)
- What DF is this?
- Dragon of the Insect Kingdom
- Unknown DF need ID?
- Odonates of Maliau
- Another attempt with dragonflies
- These are for John
- Largest damselfly - Pericnemis stictica
- Neurobasis chinensis (Green Metalwing)
- Dragons and damsels
- Libellago hyalina (Clearwing Gem)
- Who are you looking at?
- That's why you are important
- Lucky shot!
- Damselfly devours a mosquito
- Telephone Sylvan
- Cameron Highlands Green Metalwing Damselfly
- Some DFs shots taken at MacRitchie Reservoir
- Common Flashwing
- Lyriothemis cleis
- Need confirmation
- Taman Negara - Aug 2011
- Need ID
- Unidentified
- C.gigantea
- The Crimson Dropwing
- A nice Damselfly
- A record shot of the male Pericnemis Stictica!
- An Aeshnidae need id.
- Dragonfly(?) Lake at Gardens by the Bay
- A Neurothemis
- Stream Cruiser ?
- Some dragonflies shots taken at DF and BTNR
- Uncommon Damselflies
- Can I rent your house?
- KTP Hospital
- Need id
- Aeshnidae?
- Very rare dragonfly, pls id.
- Bluish Dragonfly
- Camacinia gigantea ?
- What is this???
- Blue Jay's Odonata 2012
- Super X-Wing
- Cratilla lineata
- Lower Peirce quickie
- Need IDs
- Bishan Park
- Odonates from Khao Soi Dao Wildlife Sanctuary, Thailand - ID help needed
- Could this fly?
- Dragonfly With White Wings
- Help needed in ID
- Macrogomphus parallelogramma
- Dragonflying
- Dragonfly from east borneo
- Is this Oligoaeschna amata
- Pseudagrion pruinosum (Grey Sprite)
- Khao Sok NP, Thailand
- Banded-Hooktail
- 14April2012 - Sultan(Camacinia gigantea)?
- Metalwing Damselfly
- Odonates of North Sulawesi
- Damselfly??
- Some dragonflies/damselfly from CCNR
- Aeshnidae sp.
- 2 frfom Samui
- Teinobasis Ruficollis (Red-tailed Sprite)
- What I did before chasing after butterflies??
- Rhyothemis triangularis
- Acisoma panorpoides (Trumpet Tail),Male and Female.
- Lornie Trail dragonflies shots
- Newly emerged male Camacinia gigantea
- 5 years ago...
- Rhyothemis phyllis (Yellow-Barred Flutterer)
- Finally got all 3 Rhyothemis found in Singapore!
- Help needed ID
- assorted odes
- Rhodothemis rufa?
- One for today
- ID please
- Anax guttatus
- Uncommon dragons
- Dragonflies from BTNR
- Idionyx yolanda
- Only one from Chiang Mai
- The Gems of S'pore
- Another Gem
- Lathrecista Asiatica
- Dragon ID please ?
- 2 corduliids in a day!!
- Damselfly need id.
- G. subinterrupta (dingy duskhawker)
- Gynacantha basiguttata
- Oligoaeschna sp
- Venus Drive odonates
- Rebecca's Sprite?
- Id please!
- Forest dwellers:The Damsels
- Some dragonflies from Gopeng/Kuala Woh
- Ah yes, the leech problem...
- ID help.
- What Gomphid?
- Cool Odonates
- Heliaeschna something....
- Danum Valley dragonflies
- Gynacantha corbeti - Malaysia loses an endemic!
- A few dragons and damsels
- ID needed for Dragonfly
- What Gomphid?
- Gone ''Dragonflying''
- Dragonfly ID
- Macromia cydippe (Lesser Stream Cruiser)
- Northern Thailand
- Dragonfly Emergence
- ID Needed
- Idionyx Yolanda
- Urothemis abbotti?
- ID please.
- Leptogomphus risi
- A female paragomphus capricornis
- Heliogomphus Kelantanensis
- The Elusive Giant makes it's appearance once again!!
- O. pulcherrima - red form
- Crimson Darter, November 2014, Hong Kong
- Orange-tailed Sprite @ Hong Kong, 22 November 2014
- Russet Percher @ Tai Po, Hong Kong, 20 November 2014
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