
The wide spacing between the postdiscal & the submarginal spots on the HW is indicative of a large species.
The oblique shape of HW spot 6, wider at the top is indicate of A. silhetenssis.
A. athada always have a blocky spot 6 nearly astride the cellend & spot 5.

#2 https://www.inaturalist.org/observations/177311767

The dull blue upperside already indicate it is A. milleri.

The upperside merely shows a female.
The straighter parallel sides of spot 6 suggest A. normani.

Probably A. sublustris.
FW spot 8 is more dislocated inwards.

Finally this observation which I thought was A. lurida is an alea group member.
Note mwtalmark with diffuse border.

TLSeow; Cheers.