After our outings to Chiangmai last year, we decided to go on another trip with sifu Khew to Mahua Waterfall in Sabah, who has been there before with Mei Yee.
This time, we have David Chan and his wife, Elaine and I who joined them.
Mei Yee had organised the whole trip and when we arrived there, we were all ready for the butterflies fun.

Although the butterflies activities were not fantastic, I was happy enough to encounter some of the endemic butterflies of Sabah and many new Malaysian ones that I have not seen in West Malaysia.
We just got back to Singapore yesterday and we will post some photos here to share with everyone. We would indeed appreciate the help of Dr Seow to assist us in indentifying some of the butterflies too.

My favourite endemic butterfly was the Big Eyed Jungle Lady or Silky Owl (Taenaris horsfieldii occulta). It was not a pristine fella, but it had us all very excited when Elaine who spotted it called out for us.
Indeed, we all had a jolly good time taking our shots.

Needless to say, The Kinabalu Swordtail (Graphium stratiotes) was my next favourite.

Thats all the posts from me for today.
I have so far been unable to ID 2 of the small butterflies seen and would require the assistance of Dr Seow please!


Cheng Ai