I also made a short trip up to Panti. While the diversity wasn't as good. I managed to find some really good ones. I'll start with the usual stuff.

Panti is great for getting photos of all the Terinos species. I managed to get some improvement shots of the Large Assyrian (Terinos atlita) on this trip.

I saw (but didn't photograph) Choaspes subcaudatus again. But here's an old photo from a previous trip.

This Simiskina paediada was freshly eclosed, and fell from the tree above. It allowed plenty of opportunities to get shots from all angles. I particularly like this one, with that green gradient serving as the backdrop. I'm fairly sure this is S. paediada and not S. phalena, but Dr. Seow if you could confirm that would be great.

I found two female Cardinals (Thamala marciana)egg laying on a short jungle plant. I managed a couple of photos when it took breaks between ovipositing runs. Here's my best shot. I've seen the males of this species previously, but this is my first time with the females.

Another freshly eclosed butterfly! This one is the Brown Yam (Drina donina). It's wings were still so soft that the forewings were drooping a little, and there's a sheer layer of scale covering it. It took off after several shots, rather clumsily, to a tall tree.

There were 4-5 of these White Imperials (Neomyrina nivea) chasing each other along an exposed hill. For this I had to walk off track into a logging trail where a clearing was awaiting me at the end. They are exceptionally hard to photograph, preferring to keep to the canopy, and almost always perching under leaves. I got lucky when one came down briefly.

Always nice to see, the Common Red Harlequin (Paralaxita telesia).