Agreed it is Arhopala selta..

You have very clear shots of both surfaces ,so there is no ambiguity.

Thus it meet all the criteria.
1. UpF border increases towards the apex.
2. HW postdiscal spot 6 overlaps the cellend bar by half.
3. FW termen somewhat rounded.
Whether the FW postdiscal band is always relatively wide is hard to say.

Perhaps A. phaenops also occur in Singapore.

In the thread below, the male have a straight termen , the UpF border appears to be broad at the apex, & HW spot 6 barely overlaps the cellend bar.
Only the males of selta & phaenops have the UpF border increas at the apex.
All other males have the FW border a thread throughout.!

A male labelled as A. sublustris from Cambodia for comparison.

TL Seow: Cheers.