The ID of these Arhopala are very difficult without seeing the upperside.
Although no2 , 3, & 4 looks different they could all be one species, merely from different colonies.

Arhopala metamuta; FW deepviolet blue; HW bright greenish blue : female bright blue with HW border wider than female A. muta.
UnF spot 2 & 3 with their margins aligned.

A. muta: Male FW violet blue; HW paler blue or only partially /basally .Female bright purple blue with wider border, (HW border narrower than in F. metamuta).
UnFc spot 2 & 3 partially dislocated & out of alignment.

A. moorei Male both wings violet blue ; female duller purple blue than female muta.
Underside FW spot 2 & 3 partially dislocated as in A. muta.

Unfortunately there is a lot of confusion with these species.

Here is a good one.
1. female A. muta .2. Female A. moorei 3. Male A. muta & 4 female A. muta.

There are a lot of mixedup on the net.
There is also confusion with A. hypomuta, the female with very broad borders.
In A. hypomuta the FW spot 4 is dislocated & shifted out (as in A atosia).HW sometimes with a spot at the base of space 6.

Back to the three.
Usual A. muta/moorei underside.

No. 2 is unusually pale & diffrent, with smaller spots. Possibly A. metamuta.

3 & 4 . They are probably from the same colony. The wide dislocation of the postdiscal band at vein 2 is unusual.
The upperside with difference in FW & HW indicate it is A. muta .

TL Seow: Cheers.