Dr. Seow ,

May I have your opinion on my ID process and if the identification is correct ?

Basing on the keys of A Revision of the Genus Parnara MOORE (Lepidoptera, Hesperiidae),with Special Reference to the Asian Specie by Chiba and Eliot

My ID process are as follow:

My read of the specimen basing on keys by Chiba and Eliot.

1.Hindwing with spots in spaces 2-5 usually all present and nearly in a straight line (spot in space 4 lightly shifted in).

2. Underside hindwing with spot in space 6 nearly always present.

This is most probably a Parnara apostata


The following 3 Parnara species were rule out :

1. Parnara guttata and Parnara ganga do not have spot 6 on UNH

2. Parnara bada was rule out by the following key : UNH spots in spaces 2-5 small and irregular and may be absent, the specimen has clean and distinct spots 2-5. ( Note spots 6 maybe present for P bada)
