It was an enjoyable trip for the six of us who went to Cameron Highlands and back safely! Though the butterfly activity was not too exciting, most of us came back with some pluses, besides the Gigs of the Purple Sapphire, which was the signature species for Camerons. We wrapped the Camerons trip with visits at the start and end, to our favourite Gua Tempurung, which never fails to satisfy.

So here's a start to the outing, and let's look forward to the awesome posts from Sunny, Chng, Loke, CJ and Nona soon!

For a start, here's a shot of the Blue Posy (Drupadia scaeva scaeva) from Gua Tempurung. Apologies for the wrong ID earlier. This is not one of the "Spark" species. Chng shot it again at the last visit to Gua Tempurung too, and it was opening its wings to sunbathe, but scooted off before we could shoot its upperside.
