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Thread: Survey at Singapore Zoo Checklist .

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Sep 2005
    Singapore, Singapore, Singapore

    Default Survey at Singapore Zoo Checklist .

    Let's put all the sightings and photographs if any here :

    1. Troides helena cerberus (Common Birdwing )

    2. Papilio polytes romulus ( Common Mormon )

    3. Graphium sarpedon luctatius (Common Bluebottle)

    4. Eurema hecabe contubernalis (Common Grass Yellow)

    5. Appias libythea olferna (Striped Albatross)

    6. Leptosia nina malayana (Psyche)

    7. Lebadea martha parkeri (The Knight)

    8. Lexias pardalis dirteana (Archduke)

    9. Neptis hylas papaja (Common Sailor)

    10. Doleschallia bisaltide ?bisalitide var. (Autumn Leaf)

    11. Hypolimnas bolina jacintha (Jacintha Eggfly)

    12 Junonia almana javana (Peacock Pansy)

    13 Junonia almana javana (Peacock Pansy)

    14 Junonia hedonia ida (Chocolate Pansy)

    15 Elymnias panthera panthera (Tawny Palmfly)

    16 Elymnias hypermnestra agina (Common Palmfly)

    17 Lethe europa malaya (Bamboo Tree Brown)

    18 Orsotriaena medus cinerea (Nigger)

    19 Anthene lycaenina miya (Pointed Ciliate Blue)

    20 Chilades pandava pandava (Cycad Blue, Plains Cupid)

    21 Jamides alecto ageladas (The Metallic Caerulean)

    22 Jamides celeno aelianus (Common Caerulean)

    23 Jamides bochus nabonassar (Dark Caerulean)

    24 Catopsilia scylla cornelia (Orange Emigrant)

    25 Ancistroides nigrita maura (Chocolate Demon)

    ~~When the Going Gets Tough, the Tough Get Going~~

    Sunny's Facebook on Butterflies!


  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jun 2004
    Singapore, Singapore, Singapore


    Adding to Sunny's list

    26. Euthalia monina monina (Malay Baron)

    27. Catopsilia pomona pomona (Lemon Emigrant)

    28. Phalanta phalantha phalantha (Leopard)

    some photos to share

    this one doesn't count

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Mar 2008
    Seng Kang


    Replaced No 13 as Peacock Pansy repeats...

    1. Troides helena cerberus (Common Birdwing )

    2. Papilio polytes romulus ( Common Mormon )

    3. Graphium sarpedon luctatius (Common Bluebottle)

    4. Eurema hecabe contubernalis (Common Grass Yellow)

    5. Appias libythea olferna (Striped Albatross)

    6. Leptosia nina malayana (Psyche)

    7. Lebadea martha parkeri (The Knight)

    8. Lexias pardalis dirteana (Archduke)

    9. Neptis hylas papaja (Common Sailor)

    10. Doleschallia bisaltide ?bisalitide var. (Autumn Leaf)

    11. Hypolimnas bolina jacintha (Jacintha Eggfly)

    12 Junonia almana javana (Peacock Pansy)

    13. Prosotas nora superdates (Common Line-Blue)

    14 Junonia hedonia ida (Chocolate Pansy)

    15 Elymnias panthera panthera (Tawny Palmfly)

    16 Elymnias hypermnestra agina (Common Palmfly)

    17 Lethe europa malaya (Bamboo Tree Brown)

    18 Orsotriaena medus cinerea (Nigger)

    19 Anthene lycaenina miya (Pointed Ciliate Blue)

    20 Chilades pandava pandava (Cycad Blue, Plains Cupid)

    21 Jamides alecto ageladas (The Metallic Caerulean)

    22 Jamides celeno aelianus (Common Caerulean)

    23 Jamides bochus nabonassar (Dark Caerulean)

    24 Catopsilia scylla cornelia (Orange Emigrant)

    25 Ancistroides nigrita maura (Chocolate Demon)

    26. Euthalia monina monina (Malay Baron)

    27. Catopsilia pomona pomona (Lemon Emigrant)
    Cher Hern

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Oct 2009


    I added a few more of the species I sighted today.

    1. Troides helena cerberus (Common Birdwing )

    2. Papilio polytes romulus ( Common Mormon )

    3. Graphium sarpedon luctatius (Common Bluebottle)

    4. Eurema hecabe contubernalis (Common Grass Yellow)

    5. Appias libythea olferna (Striped Albatross)

    6. Leptosia nina malayana (Psyche)

    7. Catopsilia pomona alcmeone (Lemon Emigrant)

    8. Catopsilia pyarnthe pyranthe (Mottled Emigrant)

    9. Catopsilia scylla cornelia (Orange Emigrant)

    10. Lebadea martha parkeri (The Knight)

    11. Lexias pardalis dirteana (Archduke)

    12. Neptis hylas papaja (Common Sailor)

    13. Euthalia monina monina (Malay Baron)

    14. Doleschallia bisaltide ?bisalitide var. (Autumn Leaf)

    15. Hypolimnas anomala anomala (Malayan Eggfly)

    16. Hypolimnas bolina jacintha (Jacintha Eggfly)

    17 Junonia almana javana (Peacock Pansy)

    18 Junonia hedonia ida (Chocolate Pansy)

    19 Phalanta phalantha phalantha (Leopard)

    20 Elymnias panthera panthera (Tawny Palmfly)

    21 Elymnias hypermnestra agina (Common Palmfly)

    22 Lethe europa malaya (Bamboo Tree Brown)

    23 Orsotriaena medus cinerea (Nigger)

    24 Anthene lycaenina miya (Pointed Ciliate Blue)

    25 Chilades pandava pandava (Cycad Blue, Plains Cupid)

    26 Jamides alecto ageladas (The Metallic Caerulean)

    27 Jamides celeno aelianus (Common Caerulean)

    28 Jamides bochus nabonassar (Dark Caerulean)

    29 Taractrocera archias quinta (Yellow Grass Dart)

    30 Ancistroides nigrita maura (Chocolate Demon)

    31 Notocrypta paralysos varians (Banded Demon)


    Yellow grass dart by bluebottlethejon, on Flickr

  5. #5
    Join Date
    May 2006


    Is this Caltoris cormasa? The first butterfly that most of us shot.
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    Wong Chee Ming
    Life is like butterfly-shooting; you never know what you're gonna get.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Dec 2009


    Added a few more

    1. Troides helena cerberus (Common Birdwing )

    2. Papilio polytes romulus ( Common Mormon )

    3. Graphium sarpedon luctatius (Common Bluebottle)

    4. Eurema hecabe contubernalis (Common Grass Yellow)

    5. Appias libythea olferna (Striped Albatross)

    6. Leptosia nina malayana (Psyche)

    7. Catopsilia pomona alcmeone (Lemon Emigrant)

    8. Catopsilia pyarnthe pyranthe (Mottled Emigrant)

    9. Catopsilia scylla cornelia (Orange Emigrant)

    10. Lebadea martha parkeri (The Knight)

    11. Lexias pardalis dirteana (Archduke)

    12. Neptis hylas papaja (Common Sailor)

    13. Euthalia monina monina (Malay Baron)

    14. Doleschallia bisaltide ?bisalitide var. (Autumn Leaf)

    15. Hypolimnas anomala anomala (Malayan Eggfly)

    16. Hypolimnas bolina jacintha (Jacintha Eggfly)

    17 Junonia almana javana (Peacock Pansy)

    18 Junonia hedonia ida (Chocolate Pansy)

    19 Phalanta phalantha phalantha (Leopard)

    20 Elymnias panthera panthera (Tawny Palmfly)

    21 Elymnias hypermnestra agina (Common Palmfly)

    22 Lethe europa malaya (Bamboo Tree Brown)

    23 Orsotriaena medus cinerea (Nigger)

    24 Anthene lycaenina miya (Pointed Ciliate Blue)

    25 Chilades pandava pandava (Cycad Blue, Plains Cupid)

    26 Jamides alecto ageladas (The Metallic Caerulean)

    27 Jamides celeno aelianus (Common Caerulean)

    28 Jamides bochus nabonassar (Dark Caerulean)

    29 Taractrocera archias quinta (Yellow Grass Dart)

    30 Ancistroides nigrita maura (Chocolate Demon)

    31 Notocrypta paralysos varians (Banded Demon)

    32 Mycalesis visala phamis (Long Brand Bush Brown)

    33 Graphium agamemnon agamemnon (Tailed Jay)

    34 Moduza procris milonia (Commander)

    35 Athyma pravara helma (Lance Sergeant)

    Line Blue??

    Shoot N Flickr

    - Nelson -

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Nov 2010


    Quote Originally Posted by wong1979 View Post
    Is this Caltoris cormasa? The first butterfly that most of us shot.
    No. This is Caltoris bromus. I believed it is the same presented by Sunny in the other thread.
    The upper cellspot is just visible above the hindwing margin.

    C. cormasa have a deeper rusty red brown underside and the antennal shaft on the upper & outer sides is actually brown.

    Lighting conditions & camera settings can cause a lot of confusion as the colouration becomes different.

    In C. bromus the forewing & hindwing are the same colour.
    In C. cormasa the hindwing is a deeper/darker colour than the forewing.

    TL Seow

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Sep 2005
    Singapore, Singapore, Singapore


    Wong it is a +1 for the Zoo , me , you and others who shot it after !

    It is another that is pending official inclusion into the Singapore Checklist!

    Quote Originally Posted by Psyche View Post
    No. This is Caltoris bromus. I believed it is the same presented by Sunny in the other thread.
    The upper cellspot is just visible above the hindwing margin.

    C. cormasa have a deeper rusty red brown underside and the antennal shaft on the upper & outer sides is actually brown.

    Lighting conditions & camera settings can cause a lot of confusion as the colouration becomes different.

    In C. bromus the forewing & hindwing are the same colour.
    In C. cormasa the hindwing is a deeper/darker colour than the forewing.

    TL Seow

    ~~When the Going Gets Tough, the Tough Get Going~~

    Sunny's Facebook on Butterflies!


  9. #9
    Join Date
    Sep 2005
    Singapore, Singapore, Singapore


    Caltoris bromus bromus


    ~~When the Going Gets Tough, the Tough Get Going~~

    Sunny's Facebook on Butterflies!


  10. #10
    Join Date
    Sep 2009


    Adding some shots taken today...
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