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Thread: Field Checklist - Yishun Park

  1. #1
    Join Date
    May 2004

    Default Field Checklist - Yishun Park

    I would like to encourage BC members who are out in various places to record your sightings. Even without photos, many of you are now able to ID quite a good number of species within the Singapore checklist. If you have photographic records, all the better.

    Those of you with smartphones may also want to consider downloading the free app, Runkeeper, which gives you a good GPS track of where you've been and also keep as a record after your visit to any particular sites.

    I was out at Yishun Park a couple of weekends back, and here is my checklist of sighting for that location. Some of you may want to try out this park. It's one of the "feeder" parks for the new Khoo Teck Puat Hospital. A surprise that I spotted there was the Malay Staff Sergeant that came down to puddle on some fruits. A jogging couple scared it away though.

    Checklist of Butterflies observed on 3 Jun 2012
    1. Chocolate Pansy
    2. Common Palmfly
    3. Painted Jezebel
    4. Dark Brand Bush Brown
    5. Common Grass Yellow
    6. Malay Staff Sergeant
    7. Common Faun
    8. Common Mormon
    9. Autumn Leaf
    10. Arhopala major major (Thanks, Seow!)
    11. Baron
    12. Great Eggfly
    13. Striped Albatross
    14. Peacock Pansy
    15. Lime Butterfly
    16. Lesser Grass Blue
    Seow, can you help with the ID of the Arhopala? It's a heavily cropped shot of this very skittish fella.
    Attached Images Attached Images
    Last edited by Commander; 18-Jun-2012 at 12:55 AM.
    Khew SK
    Butterflies of Singapore BLOG
    Try not. Do, or do not. There is no try

  2. #2
    Join Date
    May 2004


    Here's the Runkeeper record of the location and the route taken over this 2 hour survey.
    Attached Images Attached Images
    Khew SK
    Butterflies of Singapore BLOG
    Try not. Do, or do not. There is no try

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Mar 2011


    Mr Khew, what about making this a sticky? It can be used for referance when we would like to visit certain places to shoot a particular species. This sighting records subforum is also open to people who are not logged in, so like what Uncle Sunny says, we normally keep the locations to ourself. I think unloggedin users are unable to view stickies.

    My flickr

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Nov 2010


    Not a problem here, Khew.
    It is Arhopala major major.
    The spots in space 7 are all very small & the postdiscal spot in space 1b ,above the green mark is an L not a V.
    The upperside indicates it is a female since the brown borders are wider than that of a male.

    TL Seow
    Last edited by Psyche; 18-Jun-2012 at 04:28 AM. Reason: wrong space quoted

  5. #5
    Join Date
    May 2004


    Quote Originally Posted by Blue Jay View Post
    Mr Khew, what about making this a sticky? It can be used for referance when we would like to visit certain places to shoot a particular species. This sighting records subforum is also open to people who are not logged in, so like what Uncle Sunny says, we normally keep the locations to ourself. I think unloggedin users are unable to view stickies.
    Thanks for the suggestion, Brian. For the more common species, I think there's no harm in just compiling checklists for the various areas. In any case, we don't give specific locations with GPS coordinates, so it's relatively safe.

    As for users, I am beginning to prune off lurkers and people who don't contribute. The next category would be registered users who have not even logged on for a year or so. It would suggest that they are no longer interested to be here with BC forums.

    Quote Originally Posted by Psyche View Post
    Not a problem here, Khew.
    It is Arhopala major major.
    The spots in space 7 are all very small & the postdiscal spot in space 2 ,above the green mark is an L not a V.
    The upperside indicates it is a female since the brown borders are wider than that of a male.

    TL Seow
    Much appreciated, Seow. Was surprised to see A. major in a relatively 'urban' park. There seems to be more than one of them in that location.
    Khew SK
    Butterflies of Singapore BLOG
    Try not. Do, or do not. There is no try

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Nov 2010


    Oops! It is a male A. major.
    Just checked out the upperside of a female major & the brown borders are much broader.

    TL Seow

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