Hi Seow,

Your assistance will be much appreciated.

I have been looking at this skipper for the last 3 hours , the more I look at it the more confused I get!!!

It is as large as a Erionota thrax thrax (Banana Skipper), what bothers me is the forewing white ,it is a rather pristine specimen and looks exactly the same on the other side , so it is unlikely due to wear and tear leading to the white on the forewing leading edge. Further there were another 2-3 similar looking specimens with this white fore wing edge encountered. This is the only one I managed a few shots on.

It is unlikely to be a Erionota hiraca apicalis ( White Tip Skipper) as the white is not at the apex, there is no purplish wash on the hind wings , further the antennae is white only at the bottom, the top is brown.

Apologies for the quality of the shot , it was taken in extreme shade at ISO2000 1/13sec at F/6.3 Handheld.