Yes, they are the Dark Caerulean and the Vinous Oakblue.

The Dark Caerulean have the inner margin of the forewing submarginal band scalloped making it looks like a Nacaduba spp.

Note the two postdiscal spots one on top the other in space 6 & 7 of the hindwing of the Oakblue.

In the Vinous Oakblue, they are quadrate & their inner margins are in line.( As seen here. )

In the Sylhet Oakblue, the 2 spots are sinuous & the inner margin of the upper postdiscal spot in space 7 is further inwards ( basad ) than the inner margin of the spot in space 6. ( There is a typo error in the Arhopala key for A. silhetensis in C&P4. )

TL Seow