Keys 1, 7, 8, 95 ,96 ,100, 120, 124, 126, 127/146
Here is one of the difficulties: key 127( medium size ,not prominent lobe ) or 146 ( large size, prominent lobe). Looking at the butt. the tornal lobe looked rather large, but choosing 146 leads to 147 (A. cleander) which is incorrect because A. cleander male have wider brown borders.
The logical choice is then 127, to 129, 133, 134, 135.
136( A. milleri) have the wing borders a thread, & spot 6 which overlaps the cellend bar.

It is good to have a size indication of the butterfly whether medium as in A. major or large as in A. centaurus.

This is a new record.

TL Seow