View Full Version : Moths in Central Catchment

29-Dec-2008, 07:02 PM
Hi Roger,

previously you helped me to ID this moth (below) as Traminda aventiaria.


I found this moth below at the same vicinity in the shrubland. Could this Geometrid be the same species but different sex or a totally different species?


Thanks for the help again!

30-Dec-2008, 09:18 AM
Hi Teo,

The second moth is a different species. Need to search to find out what as I've not seen it before.
back in the next day or two on this one.

cheers, Roger.

03-Jan-2009, 10:28 AM
The second one is a bit of a mystery.
Definitely Geometridae, and the hindwing is typical of Hemitheini in Geometrinae. However, having been through all the Ennomines and Geometrines in Moths of Borneo, and the Intro to Moths of S.E.Asia, I've drawn a blank. :(
I cant even be sure this is Geometrinae.

cheers, Roger.

08-Jan-2009, 10:48 PM
Thanks Roger, for taking the time to scan through the books. :)

Really appreciate it.