View Full Version : Maroon larva

Painted Jezebel
18-Sep-2007, 06:46 PM
This is being transferred from another forum.

This larva/grub was found on a foodplant of the Commander. Any idea of its ID? Unusual colouration, and I like the cream marking on the side. SK says he thinks its a moth, I'm not so sure, but he is usually right!

18-Sep-2007, 07:39 PM
It looks quite like some lycaenids too expt for da colour.

19-Sep-2007, 09:59 AM
This is definitely zygaenoid. In shape it resembles some of the Darna species (Limacodidae), although it also has a superficial similarity to Trypanophora semihyalinata (Zygaenidae). I don't supposed it was retained to rear through?



Painted Jezebel
19-Sep-2007, 10:44 AM
Thank you Roger. No, unfortunately, I have not retained it. However, the plant is at my favourite waterfall, and I can try. The problem is I would only be able to get the foodplant when I visit it, and, after heavy rains, like we've had here the last 3 days, the plant is cut off from the bank by a torrent.

If I can rear it, how does it pupate. Does it descend the plant and pupate underground or is it an aerial pupater? (I would need to provide the right conditions)

19-Sep-2007, 09:00 PM
T. semihyalinata will happily fold over a leaf or two of the hostplant and pupate therein. Most Limacodidae will do likewise.
I now think this is probably a Limacodidae rather than the burnet moth (photo of T. semihyalinata larva (3rd and final instars) & cocoon attached f.y.i.)



19-Sep-2007, 09:33 PM
Bt this one lacks the 2 white spots.

20-Sep-2007, 07:33 PM
Bt this one lacks the 2 white spots.

not to mention the "verrucae" (knobbly bits!!) on the dorsal edges - this is why I think (as I said in the previous post) it is not the zygaenid T. semihyalinata, but is a Limacodidae, possibly in the genus Darna.



20-Sep-2007, 07:47 PM
I see. Missed that one.

Painted Jezebel
21-Sep-2007, 09:18 AM
Visited plant yesterday. Despite rigorous search of the plant which amused various tourists, no sign of it. Will try again in next few days though.


Common Mime
21-Sep-2007, 09:21 AM
which amused various tourists,

277hahahaha the crazy farang :bsmile: