View Full Version : Experiment 500D Vr 70-200mm

24-Jun-2004, 10:11 PM
Just bought this lens . And experiment with VR + 500D. Here are the results. I need advice and feedback for those who have use this lenses before.

At 105mm, 1/60 secs@F8, Iso 400


At 135mm, 1/60sec @F8, Iso 400


At 200mm, 1/60sec @F8, Iso 400

24-Jun-2004, 10:52 PM
Just bought this lens . And experiment with VR + 500D. Here are the results. I need advice and feedback for those who have use this lenses before.

I suppose none of us here have the 70-200VR yet, so you're the first. Looks quite sharp and nice bokeh too. You need to shoot more to get used to it. Some of the bird shooters are using this with the latest Nikon TC. Quite good results, apparently.

25-Jun-2004, 07:28 AM
Thanks Commander,

Well ,will practice more of the lens. Will post more pictures.

Sky Blue
25-Jun-2004, 09:48 AM
I can see some hand shake effect in the last photo, but coundn't verified it, do you mind to post partial cropping in original size. I expect the VR to work better :thinking:

26-Jun-2004, 09:09 AM
all picture post as is ,no cropping for fair critique. Yes you maybe right ,could be the VR have not stabilised when the trigger fire.